Remembrance Sunday in England, 10 November 2019

Went to the service in Canterbury Cathedral this morning, as we do each year.  The impact of this astonishing space, and what goes on in it between 11 and 12 on Remembrance Sunday, does not diminish on me over time.  “A British Subject I was born,” with all the good and the not so good that comes with that heritage.  Again I am reminded of my cousin Joey Jacobson’s diary entry for this day, 78 years ago, while on leave in London from air operations.

Armistice day – thoughts are with … McIntyre, Keswick, McIver, Erly, Carmichael, Dunn etc. who would be the leaders have been killed – since I am one of them my task must be twofold – first to take over their share of responsibility – second to try & find others to do as they would have done – that is work & struggle to give equal opportunity to as many as possible because there are more of that calibre & they must be found & given a chance.

In the three months Joey had been in operational flying in 106 Squadron, most of the Canadian boys he had come with had already been killed.  He would be too, within another three months.  So many to remember on this day for what they did, and why they did it.



Royal British Legion Paper Poppy