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Northwest Territories Archives — Peter J. Usher Fonds

The Canadian North was the focus of my working life for fifty years. In 1962 I was hired by the Department of Northern Affairs as a field assistant on a resource survey on the Western Arctic coast, and for several summers afterwards continued as assistant and then director. I also conducted my field research in…
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Springtime in Huron County

Huron County is the land of corn, soy, and wheat. If city folk wonder where their food staples come from, this is the place. The land here is bountiful, productive, and readily cultivated. It’s as good as it gets in Canada. Drop a nine-furrow plow in the dark soil and you could go for miles without…
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On This Day — 30 March 1942

Eighty-two years ago today, on 30 March 1942, Britain launched a desperate attempt. to destroy Nazi Germany’s largest battleship, the Tirpitz. The Allies’ fortunes were at a low ebb at that point in the war, and the Tirpitz, anchored near Trondheim, Norway, posed an immediate threat to Murmansk-bound convoys carrying aid to Soviet Russia. The…
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On This Day — 21 March 1974

FIFTY YEARS AGO ON THIS DAY – 21 March 2024 Fifty years ago today the Government of Canada established the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry. Its purpose was to hold hearings and report on the social, environmental and economic impact of the proposed Mackenzie Valley Gas Pipeline, and to recommend terms and conditions that should govern…
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On Snowshoeing

One of the consequences of Covid has been rediscovering the joys of snowshoeing. While isolated on a hundred acres of bush in eastern Ontario, with three kilometers of trails, there was never a boring day in winter, whatever the weather. And so it continues. While snowshoeing I read the news: what animals are moving about…
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Joey Jacobson’s War Is Now An Audio Book!

My book, Joey Jacobson’s War, has just been released as an audio-book, read by Canadian actor Braden Wright. I can say without being immodest that it makes for great listening – after all it is his voice, I just supplied the words. It’s a novel experience for me to hear my writing read by a…
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Missing Indigenous Children
When I lived in a small community in the Western Arctic in the 1960s, I heard speculation, in hushed tones, of children buried in the mission school yard in Aklavik. I did not discount what I was being told, but as a young man from a relatively privileged and untroubled background, I was mystified about…
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Peter Usher has started a new book

William Henry Nelson, DFC – A Canadian in the Royal Air Force Like many young Canadians in the 1930s, William Henry Nelson wanted to fly. Unlike all but a few, he fulfilled his ambition beyond imagining, becoming a decorated Royal Air Force bomber pilot early in the Second World War, then becoming an ace…
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An Open Letter to Don Cherry
Dear Don, I watched the clip of your comment directed to “you people” on Hockey Night in Canada. Even if I don’t always like what you have to say, you’ve been a Canadian fixture for a long time, and I like that. And how could I not have at least grudging respect for the guy…
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